What does the Holy Spirit want from us?

Hi friends,

Today I went to Birmingham for the Foursquare National Prayer Meeting for churches in the North of the United Kingdom. This was a good experience for me and I want to share it with you.

Pastor Surekha gave us an encouraging word about the Holy Spirit, which was based on the scripture Acts 1:8.
 ''But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Jesus did not come to earth to have a great time, but he was on a mission and we as Christians need to continue his mission and to do that we need his Holy Spirit. Pastor Surekha mentioned a quote by a person, I can't remember his name ''When the Holy Spirit is within you, you don't need to ask God to use you, He will use you automatically''.

The question Pastor Surekha asked us was
'What does the Holy spirit want from us?' 

1. The Holy Spirit wants unity in the church

We are the church and our mission is to strengthen the body of Christ and to walk in agreement with the Lord. Even though we are located in different places and attend different churches we still have the same mission and that is to preach the gospel.

2. The Holy Spirit wants us to use God's Word

The Holy Spirit needs to hear the word before He can put the word in completion. Pastor Surehka gave an example: The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 that the Spirit of God was hoovering over the waters. God says in Genesis 1:3 'Let there be light', the Holy Spirit, who was hoovering over the waters, heard this and put the words in completion and there was light.
''When we use God's word, there will be an agreement with the Father'' 

When we pray it is important for us to use God's word, so our prayers will actually make an impact. This word we have to spread to other people so they will hear the gospel. The word of God is not only to keep for ourselves. Our mission is to spread it.

''If my seed does not fall on good soil, I am not committed to spread the word'' 

This quote reminded me about what I posted yesterday evening 'The parable of the Sower'

3. The Holy Spirit wants us to pray without ceasing

''Praying needs to be a part of our lifestyle''
I already said earlier that the Holy Spirit needs to hear the word to put it in completion. Therefore, when we pray, we need to use God's word. We need to petition God. ''God, you said in your word that...''

''God will move because of the words if His people''  

4. The Holy Spirit wants us to be bold

We need to be bold to be able to preach the gospel so that people of this world can be saved. For this we need to be led by the Holy Spirit.

''If we are open to the Holy Spirit the Spirit can give us the boldness to preach and pray for others.'' - Ephesians 3:20

5. The Holy Spirit wants us to be a church that gives and be


Giving could be financial, material but it can also be spiritual. The greatest gift we have gotten is salvation, everlasting life. And our mission is to spread this gift to save people. We need to get to that extend that we can say to a stranger ''Can I pray for you?'', that God brings people to places because you are there, because you are willing to be used by the Holy Spirit.

''God has called you and me to have an influence over the United Kingdom'' 

This statement is life! And Pastor Surekha is not only talking about the UK, he is also talking about the US, about Europe, about any place in the world. We as Christians need to make an impact on the world.

Because this was a prayer meeting, there was a lot of prayer going on and it was powerful. It was fair to say that the Holy Spirit was really working in the place.
It is believed that the youth is going to rise up. I have heard this statement plenty of time over the past weeks and I believe God is going to do it as I can feel God working in my life.

During prayer God revealed something to me; I was on an open field and there was one tree stood there. Only one tree. Lightning stroke the tree and it started to burn, but it stopped. Later a large and
if I say large I mean massive number of people came up from the horizon on horses. They looked like warriors.
I did not understand this and asked God for an explanation. A few minutes later the pastor who was leading the prayer was describing what she was seeing. She said that she saw soldiers marching up, that they were youth and that they are going to rise up. Everything became clear to me now.

I want you, wherever you are, to join me to pray for the youth all over the world. Also, lets pray for for the churches all over the world, for unity, to give us the boldness to preach, to help us to be compassionate and to give.

God Bless,


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