I was reading the book of Genesis and read about the story of Noah. Noah is a well-known Bible story and seems very straight-forward, but for me there was more behind this story.
''So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.'' - Genesis 6:7,8 (NIV)
God actually regretted making the earth at that time and this made me wonder how Noah found favour in God's eyes. The Bible actually answered me directly with the following verse:
''This is the account of Noah and his family.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.'' - Genesis 6:9
Noah was in God's presence 24/7. He walked with God carefully and did exactly what he commanded, showing us how strong his faith was - you actually only listen to what someone commands you to do if you trust the person to have good intentions for you or others.
I wanted to take a closer look to at the word blameless. What does it mean to be blameless? The biblical definition of blameless is ''free from blame; without fault; innocent; guiltless''. Noah had a clean life as he walked with God. He had no arguments with people or as we youth like to call it ''beef'', he lived peaceful among the people and stayed away from ''drama''.
Peace is a very important factor for God. He shows that in his word;
We can apply Noah's favourable characteristics in our daily life by following the commandments of God. As we have invited Jesus in our lives, Jesus should be living in us. We should know what is right and wrong and listen to God's voice whenever we are having that ''devil - angle'' argument in our heads.
We should also be able to live in harmony with others. We can do this by aligning our attitude and language to the rules of God.This could be swallowing our pride and to serve God and man as Jesus did. This could be pursuing reconciliation if you are having ''beef'' with someone, but the main solution is loving others unconditionally as God loves us.
To walk with God we should live more in the spiritual than the flesh so we can focus on God; prayer is the key to that. It is the grace Jesus has given us that we can communicate with God. Additionally to that we can fast more frequently. Fasting is not just a ritual followers of Christ do. It is part of God's Kingdom's culture, to subdue the flesh and uplift our spirits.
It is my prayer for this year that we will be more like Noah, that we will be able to live a righteous and blameless life and that God will strengthen our faith so we may walk with him everyday and be in his presence 24/7
I really hope this little bible study has helped you,
Feel free to comment below or to email me at bigbeatrice97@gmail.com
God Bless,
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